Punk rock group who branded UK an ‘extremely racist s*** hole’ handed taxpayer cash by Labour and described as ‘the best of British culture’

A punk rock duo who have branded the UK an “extremely racist s*** hole” have received a grant from the Labour Government.

Lambrini Girls, from Brighton, have accepted the taxpayer cash, despite stating that they think it is “embarrassing to be from England”.

The girl group will receive a share of a £1.6million grant from the Music Export Growth scheme, which is aimed at boosting British music exports.

Their latest single that they will likely use the money to promote is called ‘God’s Country’, which features lyrics that bitterly attack England.

Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy has described the duo as “the best of British culture”.

She said the cash fund would “help the next generation of artists to tour abroad, market themselves to new audiences and showcase the best of British culture and creativity to the world”.

The group, made up of Phoebe Lunny and Lilly Macieria, played at last year’s Glastonbury Festival.

More to follow…

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